Monday, January 3, 2011

Much to do

I love new years because it's a fresh start and a time of reflection of what worked and what didn't work for the past 12 months. There is much I want to change and do differently this year. There is so much that it is slightly overwhelming. I want to read more and write more. Will this be the year I write a book? Is it high enough on my priority list for me to make it happen?
This is the year I will be happier. This year I will show more love. This year I will spend more time with the people I care about. This year I will have at least 12 dates with my boyfriend of 20 years.
Relationships are my priority this year. My relationship with my Savior is my top priority. I am blessed to be part of a wonderful small group that was using our church life journal as our study guide to get me deeper in the word.
Part of improving my relationship with my Savior involves taking care of me. I need to take care of the body God gave me. I need to eat better and exercise more. More on that later.
I am happy with the direction I'm headed and the prioritize I have set for the new year. It seems like a lot until I boil it down to the's all about relationships, which truth be told was what my Jesus was all about too.

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