Friday, June 10, 2011


I am so excited about the lastest Living Social deals.  I just bought 2 deals so I can go on a date with my beloved.  We have a Mexican restaurant we really enjoy (La Costita) and they have a deal for $30 for only $15.

Then there is a Fandango deal for really cheap too.  Chris loves to go to movies.  So happy to find such great deals!

I love being able to have gift certificates available to do special stuff with my love even when the budget at the time we can go out isn't cooperating with us.

Even though we have been together for 21+ years, it's still nice to carve out time for each other.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Exhaustion vs Goals

Well, we are just a couple days into June and I feel like I am not where I should be.  Things have been so busy.  Church, soccer, hair appt, work, working out...ugh!  Tonight is my down night.  I refuse to do anything productive.

Well, not completely unproductive...I did read the word this morning which is good because I don't think I could have made it this far today without that as my start.  Problems problems all around and no rest to be found.

My workout today was cancelled due to measures outside my control.  My hair appt was the only appt I kept today.  It was well past time.  I got take out and we all just relaxed at home.

Tomorrow is a fresh day and I will be busy but back on task.  If I can find an extra hour, I will go to the gym otherwise I will make a point of playing at the park with Billy and kicking his soccer ball when he isn't using it.

I will read my Bible and do my 31 days to clean challenge.  I will try to catch up as I was already behind from not being home hardly at all.

Well, that's where I am.  So much to do and feeling pressured but also confident.  I will succeed.

How is your 3 in 30 challenge going?