Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy day!

Today has been full of good news.  

I got a new to me car.  It is cute and sporty and paid for...all of my favorite qualities.  I can hardly wait to take it on a road trip.  We went back and forth over what to get.  With camping and going places with friends or the fam plus big dog, a big car would be practical but then again with the amount of driving I do gas mileage is very important.

When I went to the chiropractor he gave me a list of activities I can do at the gym or home now.  Woo hoo!!! It is all going to be dictated by my stamina, which has been almost non existent since the accident.  I am absolutely thrilled.  I can't do all that I would like to but lower body workout is better than nothing.  I can't do any lifting yet, no weights for arms or shoulders.  Drats but I am looking at the bigger picture!

Yesterday I could barely keep my head up at 9pm and here it is 11:15 and I have done the dishes and played with the dog and bought the car and walked thru Blockbuster to get movies, all after working a full day and I am still awake and functional...well I suppose I should let you be the judge of that since you are reading and if I'm not making sense then I'm not that functional.  

Well I am writing this my wonderful Jake was putting something in the fridge and found something that had been in there too long.  I told him to throw it away and he sarcastically told me no because he was going to eat it.  His loving dad chimed in with "dare you".  Jake said "Pay me" to which his dad replied "I'll pay the medical bills".  Whatever it was is now in the trash.  I love their interactions some days.  It makes me happy!

I hope you have lots of little things come your way today that make you happy too!


I love fall!  There is always a sense of anticipation as school starts back up and the holidays start approaching.  The leaves change and everything is so vibrant.  The air is crisp and you can sense the changes coming. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

This fall I not only have the change of fall to celebrate but changes in my life.  God has been prodding and I am listening and more importantly moving with Him. 

New things are coming.  I will soon have a new website for the travel company I am starting and will also be selling my jewelry online (ebay maybe).  I am so excited.  I love travel and the idea of helping people make their dream vacations come true just makes me giddy! 

I want more flexibility in my life to be more available to my family.  Many of you know the health issues my grandmother has been thru and that we just moved her back to Portland a few months ago.  She needs help and would love more company and I would love to visit with her much more than I have been able to.  I want to be able to help maintain her beach house until they are able to sell it for what they want out of it. 

I am excited to see what happens.  For now I will be working full time here while I get started but once things are up and running I should be able to work from home full time.  I would appreciate your prayers, suggestions and support as I get started. 

What's changing in your world?